Crisp Autumn Air
By Nahanni Ackroyd 2022/08/12
August 2022
When I was a small child I would often wonder….oops, no, this isn’t a recipe blog! Mind you, I did wonder about many things. This time of year was and still is one of my favourites – fresh fruit, long days and cooler evenings, Perseid meteor showers. My dad would wake me up in the middle of the night to go out and stare at the skies. I still love meteor spotting.
August air still reminds me of getting ready for school; it is also a good time to create or revise your own plans, including financial. Canning fruit and making jam is another way of planning for the winter. There are still over four months left in this year – it is not too late to check off ‘make a financial plan’ or ‘get organized’ for 2022!
Some updates: I get to move into my real home office within a few days! Since March 2020 I have been working in the house, and we have been building a workshop/home office in our backyard. We will have parking and access from the alleyway. I am excited to have a space that is brand new and entirely mine. We will soon be able to meet in this bright and cheery space. You may remember that Freedom 55 Financial has been retired and replaced by Canada Life – earlier this year we were notified that the Freedom 55 office in Nanaimo is being closed in 2023. Building my own office turns out to have been an even better idea!